Procedure Text


Pengertian Procedure Text

Procedure text adalah teks yang berisikan perintah atau langkah-langkah dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Dengan kata lain, procedure text ini dibuat untuk memberi gambaran bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan melalui langkah yang berurut.

Judul procedure text sangat mudah dikenali. Biasanya diawali dengan kata “How to…”. Misalnya, “How to learn English quickly” (Cara belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cepat), “How to have a conversation in English” (Cara melakukan percakapan bahasa Inggris), dan masih banyak yang lainnya.

Ciri-Ciri Procedure Text

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri procedure text. Ciri-ciri di bawah ini akan membantumu mengenali perbedaan procedure text dengan jenis text yang lainnya.

  • Menggunakan simple present tense

  • Menggunakan imperative sentence (kalimat perintah). Contoh: add two spoons, cook with low heat, blend the spices, dsb.

  • Menggunakan action verbs. Contoh: add, put, turn.

  • Menggunakan numbering. Contoh: first, second, third.

  • Menggunakan conjunctions (kata penghubung). Contoh: next, then, while.

  • Menggunakan adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memperjelas tahapan yang dilalui. Contoh: correctly, carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes, dsb.

Jenis Procedure Text

Setelah mengenali ciri-cirinya, kamu juga perlu berkenalan dengan jenis procedure text. Secara garis besar ada tiga jenis procedure text yang bisa kamu kenali. Berikut penjelasannya!

  • Procedure text yang memaparkan cara mengoperasikan/menggunakan sesuatu.
    Misalnya how to use camera, how to use rice cooker.

  • Procedure text yang memberikan instruksi dalam melakukan kegiatan tertentu.
    Misalnya how to play guitar, how to make a brownies.

  • Procedure text yang berkaitan dengan kiat-kiat menjalani hidup.
    Misalnya how to be successful in life, how to make yourself happy.

Struktur Procedure Text

Kamu mungkin pernah atau sering membaca text jenis satu ini. Tapi sudahkah kamu tahu apa saja struktur yang membangun procedure text? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan itu, simak baik-baik struktur procedure text berikut!

  • Goal/Aim : berisikan maksud dan tujuan dari procedure text terkait.

  • Materials : berisikan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan tahapan suatu procedure text. Selain kata materials, kamu juga bisa menggunakan kata ingredients

  • Steps : daftar langkah yang berurutan untuk menyelesaikan tahapan procedure text. Untuk menunjukkan steps, umumnya menggunakan angka atau kata-kata seperti, first, second, finally, dll

  • Result : hasil dari proses atau langkah-langkah yang telah dilakukan.

Fungsi Procedure Text

Fungsi utama dari text ini adalah menguraikan satu persatu bagaimana sesuatu bisa dibuat atau dicapai.

Lewat procedure text ini, kamu akan lebih mudah memahami dan membaca petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui langkah-langkah dengan urutan yang benar. Maka dari itu struktur yang dimiliki oleh procedure text juga sangat terperinci dan jelas merujuk pada tujuan atau fungsi utama dari teks ini.

Contoh Procedure Text

Mari lebih mengenal procedure text melalui contoh yang tertera di bawah ini! 

1. How to Make Korean Sandwich 

(Cara Membuat Sandwich ala Korea)

A sandwich is a food made from bread with various variations or toppings. This time, we will make a Korean-style sandwich that has a characteristic in its filling. Let’s, prepare the ingredients and follow the steps below!

– White bread
– Smoked meat
– Egg
– Lettuce
– Cheddar
– Honey and margarine
– Tomato sauce

How to make:
First, put the margarine into the heated Teflon. Then, bake the bread on Teflon.

After that, it’s time to fry the omelet on Teflon. When the egg is almost cooked, put the bacon and white bread on it.

Then, arrange the omelet, bacon, cheese, lettuce, honey, and sauce on the bread. Cover sandwich filling with bread.

Now, you can enjoy your Korean sandwiches!

2. How to Connect a Wireless Mouse

 (Cara Menghubungkan Mouse Nirkabel)

First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port. Then, the mouse driver will automatically be installed to detect the wireless mouse. (Pertama, tancapkan receiver mouse ke port USB komputer kamu. Kemudian, driver mouse akan terinstal secara otomatis untuk mendeteksi mouse nirkabelnya)

Second, make sure that your mouse has batteries or is charged. To do this, flip the mouse over and remove the battery compartment cover. (Kedua, pastikan mouse kamu memiliki baterai atau terisi dayanya. Untuk melakukan ini, balikkan mouse dan lepaskan penutup baterainya)

Third, turn on your mouse. Usually the on/off switch is on the back of the mouse. (Ketiga, nyalakan mouse kamu. Biasanya tombol on/off nya ada di bagian belakang mouse)

Finally, your wireless mouse is ready to use. (Terakhir, mouse nirkabel kamu siap digunakan.)

Seperti yang bisa kamu baca, procedure text menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk memberikan instruksi atau langkah-langkah yang harus diikuti, karena tense ini menyampaikan tindakan yang bersifat umum dan selalu berlaku.

Kamu bisa mempelajari lagi tenses untuk memastikan bahwa kamu memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense dengan baik, terutama dalam konteks procedure text, agar instruksi yang diberikan jelas dan akurat.


Read the following procedure text and answer the questions:

How to Make a Cup of Tea


  • A teabag

  • Hot water

  • Sugar (optional)

  • A cup


  1. Boil some water.

  2. Put the teabag into the cup.

  3. Pour the hot water into the cup.

  4. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes.

  5. Remove the teabag and add sugar if you like.

  6. Stir well and enjoy your tea.


  1. What is the purpose of the text?

  2. List the materials needed to make a cup of tea.

  3. What should you do after pouring the hot water into the cup?

  4. How long should you let the tea steep?

  5. Can you add sugar to the tea? Is it optional?

Soal 1: Dialog

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer:

Andi: "Hey, Budi! What are you doing?"
Budi: "I’m trying to cook instant noodles. Can you help me? I’ve never done this before."
Andi: "Sure! First, ______ (1) the water in a pot."
Budi: "Okay, I’m doing that now."
Andi: "Once it’s boiling, you can add the noodles."

  1. What should Budi do first?
    a. Add the noodles to the water.
    b. Boil the water in a pot.
    c. Drain the water.
    d. Stir the noodles immediately.

Soal 2: Dialog

Read the following conversation and choose the correct answer:

Siti: "I want to make fried rice. Can you tell me the steps, Rina?"
Rina: "Of course! First, heat some oil in a pan."
Siti: "What should I do next?"
Rina: "Then, ______ (2) garlic and onions until they are fragrant."
Siti: "That sounds easy!"

  1. What is the next step in making fried rice?
    a. Fry the rice.
    b. Add the eggs.
    c. Sauté the garlic and onions.
    d. Serve the dish.

Soal 3: Dialog

Read the conversation and answer the questions:

Tom: "Can you show me how to cook rice using a rice cooker?"
Anna: "Sure! First, ______ (3) the rice thoroughly until the water is clear."
Tom: "Okay, I’m doing that now."
Anna: "Next, put the washed rice into the rice cooker and add water. Then, just press the 'cook' button."

  1. What is the first step in cooking rice using a rice cooker?
    a. Add water to the rice cooker.
    b. Press the 'cook' button.
    c. Wash the rice thoroughly.
    d. Add seasoning to the rice.

Soal 4: Langkah Membuat Mi Instan

Read the following steps about making instant noodles and answer the questions:

How to Make Instant Noodles


  • Instant noodles

  • Water

  • Seasoning packet


  1. Boil 400 ml of water in a pot.

  2. Add the noodles into the boiling water.

  3. Cook the noodles for about 3 minutes until they become soft.

  4. Remove the noodles from the pot and drain the water.

  5. Mix the noodles with the seasoning packet.

  6. Serve and enjoy.

  7. According to the steps, what do you need to do after the water starts boiling?
    a. Add the seasoning packet.
    b. Remove the noodles from the water.
    c. Add the noodles to the boiling water.
    d. Serve the noodles immediately.

  8. How long should you cook the noodles?
    a. About 2 minutes
    b. About 3 minutes
    c. About 5 minutes
    d. Until the water evaporates

Soal 5: Langkah Membuat Nasi Goreng

Read the steps on how to cook fried rice and answer the questions:

How to Make Fried Rice


  • 2 cups of cooked rice

  • 2 tablespoons of oil

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • 1 onion

  • 1 egg

  • Salt and pepper

  • Soy sauce


  1. Heat the oil in a pan.

  2. Sauté the garlic and onions until fragrant.

  3. Push the garlic and onions to the side of the pan and crack the egg into the pan.

  4. Stir the egg until it’s scrambled, then mix it with the garlic and onions.

  5. Add the rice to the pan and stir it well.

  6. Add soy sauce, salt, and pepper to taste.

  7. Cook the rice for another 5 minutes, then serve.

  8. After you sauté the garlic and onions, what should you do next?
    a. Add the rice to the pan.
    b. Crack the egg into the pan.
    c. Add soy sauce and salt.
    d. Serve the rice immediately.

  9. What should you do after adding the rice to the pan?
    a. Let the rice sit for 10 minutes.
    b. Add soy sauce, salt, and pepper.
    c. Sauté the garlic again.
    d. Stir the rice for 2 minutes and serve.

Soal 6: Melengkapi Kalimat

Complete the sentence with the correct word:

  1. "To make a cup of tea, first ______ (8) some water in a kettle."
    a. boil
    b. boiling
    c. boiled
    d. boils

  2. "After the water boils, ______ (9) the teabag into a cup and pour the hot water over it."
    a. putting
    b. put
    c. puts
    d. putted

  3. "For a perfect scrambled egg, ______ (10) the egg in a bowl, add salt, and stir it well before frying."
    a. crack
    b. cracks
    c. cracking
    d. cracked

Soal 7: Melengkapi Kalimat

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:

  1. "When making pancakes, first ______ (11) the flour, milk, and eggs in a bowl until the batter is smooth."
    a. mix
    b. mixes
    c. mixing
    d. mixed

  2. "Before frying the fish, ______ (12) the fish with salt and pepper to give it flavor."
    a. season
    b. seasons
    c. seasoning
    d. seasoned

  3. "In making a fruit salad, ______ (13) the fruits into small pieces and then mix them in a large bowl."
    a. cut
    b. cuts
    c. cutting
    d. cutted

  4. "After you finish cooking, ______ (14) the kitchen counter to keep it clean."
    a. wipes
    b. wiping
    c. wipe
    d. wiped

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