- Asking for opinions adalah meminta pendapat seseorang tentang suatu hal.
- Giving opinions adalah memberikan pendapat tentang suatu hal berdasarkan pandangan pribadi.
A. Asking for Opinion
Ketika kamu meminta pendapat seseorang, kamu bisa menggunakan frasa berikut:
- What do you think about...?
- How do you feel about...?
- Do you think that...?
- What’s your opinion on...?
- How do you see...?
- Do you have any thoughts on...?
Struktur Kalimat Asking Opinion:
Subjek + Kata Tanya (What/How) + Kata Kerja (do/are/would) + Pendapat.
- Contoh: What do you think about this movie?
Modal (Could/Can) + Subjek + Verb + Pendapat.
- Contoh: Could you give me your opinion on this proposal?
Struktur Respon:
Frasa Penghubung (I agree/I disagree) + Pendapat Lanjutan.
- Contoh: I agree with your opinion, but I think the plot could be improved.
Subjek + Frasa Persetujuan/Penolakan + Keterangan.
- Contoh: I don’t think it’s a good idea because the execution was weak.
Struktur Kalimat Giving Opinion:
Frasa Pemberi Pendapat (I think/In my opinion) + Pendapat.
- Contoh: I think this plan will work well.
Subjek + Verb + Pendapat.
- Contoh: It seems to me that this is a good idea.
Contoh Narasi Asking for Opinion:
"Anna sedang berdiskusi dengan temannya mengenai film yang baru saja mereka tonton. Anna penasaran apakah temannya menyukai film tersebut dan ingin tahu pendapatnya."
Contoh Dialog Asking for Opinion:
Anna: "What do you think about the movie we just watched?"
Lisa: "I think it was really interesting, especially the plot twist at the end."
Anna: "I agree, but I didn’t expect that kind of ending. Do you feel the same?"
Lisa: "Yes, it was unpredictable but exciting!"
B. Giving Opinion
Ketika kamu memberikan pendapat, kamu bisa menggunakan frasa seperti:
- In my opinion...
- I think that...
- Personally, I believe...
- As far as I’m concerned...
- From my point of view...
- In my experience...
- I feel that...
Contoh Narasi Giving Opinion:
"Saat diskusi di kelas tentang masalah lingkungan, guru meminta setiap siswa untuk memberikan pendapatnya. Siti ingin menyampaikan pandangannya tentang pentingnya daur ulang."
Contoh Dialog Giving Opinion:
Teacher: "What’s your opinion on how we can reduce waste in our daily lives?"
Siti: "In my opinion, recycling is the best way to reduce waste. It helps to reuse materials and minimizes the need for new resources."
Teacher: "That's a great point, Siti. Does anyone else have a different opinion?"
Student: "I think that reducing the use of plastic in everyday products is also important. We should try to avoid using single-use plastics as much as possible."
C. Combined Example of Asking and Giving Opinions
Context: Sarah dan Rina sedang berdiskusi tentang pentingnya olahraga untuk kesehatan mereka.
Sarah: "What do you think about exercising regularly? Do you think it really makes a difference?"
Rina: "Personally, I believe that regular exercise is essential. It keeps our bodies fit and helps prevent diseases."
Sarah: "I feel the same way. I’ve noticed that I have more energy when I exercise regularly."
Rina: "Exactly! It’s not just about losing weight; it’s about maintaining overall health."
D. Expression of Agreement and Disagreement
Selain meminta dan memberikan opini, kamu juga bisa menyetujui atau tidak setuju dengan opini seseorang. Gunakan frasa berikut:
- Agreeing:
- I agree with you.
- That’s true.
- I think so too.
- Exactly!
- Disagreeing:
- I’m not sure about that.
- I don’t think so.
- I disagree because...
- I see your point, but...
Contoh Dialog Agreement dan Disagreement:
Tono: "What’s your opinion about online learning? Do you like it?"
Budi: "Personally, I think online learning is more convenient, but I find it harder to concentrate."
Tono: "I agree with you, but I think it depends on the subject. For some subjects, online learning can be more effective."
Budi: "I see your point, but I still prefer in-person classes because of the direct interaction with teachers."
Do you have any question? Ask mrs. Andini about it.
Meanwhile, if you don't. Please do this excercise
Complete the sentence:
- A: "______ do you think about the new restaurant downtown?"
- B: "I think it’s quite expensive, but the food is great."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "Could you give me your opinion _____ this proposal?"
- B: "Sure! I believe it’s a strong idea, but it needs more detail."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "In my _____, the movie was too long."
- B: "Really? I actually enjoyed the length because it developed the characters well."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "Do you _____ the new policy will be effective?"
- B: "I’m not sure. It depends on how it’s implemented."
Complete the dialogue:
- A: "How ______ you feel about working from home permanently?"
- B: "Personally, I prefer it because it gives me more flexibility."
Complete the dialogue:
- A: "What’s your take _____ the team’s performance last night?"
- B: "In my view, they could have done better, especially in the second half."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "I’m not really sure about this color for the living room. What do you _____?"
- B: "To be honest, I think a lighter color would make the room feel more spacious."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "I think we should start the meeting earlier. ______ do you think?"
- B: "I agree. Starting earlier will give us more time for discussion."
Complete the dialogue:
- A: "Could you give me your opinion on this design?"
- B: "_______, I think it looks clean and modern, but maybe the font is too small."
Complete the sentence:
- A: "What’s your opinion _____ the new school regulations?"
- B: "I think some of them are necessary, but a few could be more flexible."
- Complete the dialogue:
- A: "Do you think the company should invest in this project?"
- B: "______. I believe it has potential, but we need more research."
- Complete the sentence:
- A: "If you ______ me, the best way to handle this is to have a meeting with the team."
- B: "Yes, I agree. Communication is key in this situation."
- Complete the dialogue:
- A: "I feel that the new app is too complicated to use. What do you think?"
- B: "______, I find it user-friendly once you get used to it."
- Complete the sentence:
- A: "How do you feel _____ the government’s decision to extend the lockdown?"
- B: "I think it’s necessary, although it’s tough for businesses."
- Complete the sentence:
- A: "Do you think it’s a good idea to change the logo?"
- B: "________, it could work if we make the logo more modern and simple."