

Arti Congratulation dalam Bahasa Inggris

Secara umum, Congratulation artinya selamat. Kata congratulation termasuk ke dalam golongan noun atau kata benda.

Baik sebagai uncountable noun maupun countable noun, congratulation berarti ‘tindakan memberi selamat kepada seseorang’, kamu bisa menggunakan kata congratulation dalam situasi formal dan informal.

Apa Bedanya Congratulation dan Congratulations?

  • Congratulation adalah bentuk tunggal (singular), sedangkan congratulations adalah bentuk jamak (plural). 

  • Congratulation adalah istilah yang merujuk pada ekspresi pujian atas pencapaian sesuatu. Sebagai contoh, “He sent her a note of congratulation on her election victory.” Sementara itu, Congratulations lebih kepada penyampaian selamat itu secara langsung. Misalnya, “Congratulations on your promotion!””

  • Kata congratulation seringkali digunakan untuk menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang dari sekelompok orang. Sebagai contoh, “We send your brother our congratulation on their graduation”. Sementara itu, congratulations biasanya digunakan tanpa frasa atau kata pendukung tambahan dan seringkali dalam bentuk seruan. Contoh: ‘Congratulations, Gewa!’

Contoh kalimat ‘congratulation’:





He sent me a note of congratulation on my wedding.

Dia mengirimkanku ucapan selamat atas pernikahanku.


I give him one set of PS 5, a sort of congratulation.

Saya memberinya satu set PS 5, sebagai bentuk atas ucapan selamat. 


He expressed his sincerest congratulation on her academic achievement.

Dia menyampaikan ucapan selamat yang tulus atas prestasi akademiknya.


The team sent their congratulation to the captain for leading them to victory.

Tim mengirimkan ucapan selamat kepada kapten karena telah membawa mereka menuju kemenangan.


A congratulation card was sent to celebrate the birth of their baby boy.

Kartu ucapan selamat dikirimkan untuk merayakan kelahiran bayi laki-laki mereka.


The company issued a formal congratulation to the employee of the month.

Perusahaan mengeluarkan ucapan selamat resmi kepada karyawan terbaik bulan ini

Contoh kalimat ‘congratulations’:





Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion!

Selamat atas promosi yang memang layak Anda dapatkan!


Congratulations on your wedding!

Selamat atas pernikahan Anda!


Congratulations to the team for winning the championship!

Selamat kepada tim yang telah memenangkan kejuaraan


She received numerous congratulations for her excellent presentation

Dia menerima banyak ucapan selamat atas presentasinya yang luar biasa.


Congratulations on winning the championship! Your hard work truly paid off.

Selamat telah memenangkan kejuaraan! Kerja keras Anda benar-benar membuahkan hasil.


Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the success of the project.

Selamat kepada semua orang yang berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan proyek ini.


On a bright Saturday, all the students gathered in the school field to watch the final soccer match between their school team and another school's team. The crowd was excited and full of anticipation. The tension increased as both teams played fiercely.

After 90 minutes of intense play, the school team finally scored the winning goal in the last few seconds. The crowd erupted in cheers, and all the team members ran onto the field to celebrate their victory. The school soccer team had won the championship! Everyone was so proud of them.


After the match, the teachers and students gathered around the team to congratulate them.

Mr. Arif, the soccer coach, approached the team captain, Budi, with a big smile on his face.

Mr. Arif: "Congratulations to the team for winning the championship! You all played incredibly well. You’ve worked so hard and truly deserved this victory."

Budi: "Thank you, sir! We couldn’t have won without your guidance and the support of our friends."

Siti, one of Budi’s classmates, excitedly joined in.

Siti: "Congratulation, Budi! I saw how hard you all fought. Your game was amazing!"

Budi: "Thank you, Siti! It was all thanks to teamwork."

Mr. Arif then added, "I’m proud to see not only that you won, but that you played with good sportsmanship. That’s what matters most."


The victory of the school soccer team wasn’t just a moment of pride for winning the trophy, but also because they showed great teamwork and determination. The congratulations from everyone motivated them even more to continue achieving success in the future. This victory was the result of the hard work, solidarity of the team, the coach’s guidance, and the support of friends at school.

Bentuk Lain dari Congratulation

1. Congrats

Congrats merupakan kependekan dari kata congratulation dengan arti yang sama yakni ‘selamat’. Bentuk ini merupakan bentuk yang tidak formal, biasanya digunakan saat mengucapkan selamat kepada orang terdekat atau orang yang lebih muda dari si penutur.

Contoh kalimat ‘congrats’:

  • Congrats! You get the best score in Philosophy.
    (Selamat! kamu mendapatkan nilai Filsafat terbaik).

  • This is a good news, you pass the audition. Congrats ya.
    (Ini adalah kabar baik, kamu lulus audisi. Selamat ya.) 


2. Congratulate

Meskipun bentuknya berbeda, congratulate tetap memiliki arti yang sama dengan congratulation yakni ‘selamat’ atau lebih tepatnya ‘mengucapkan selamat’.

Contoh kalimat ‘congratulate’:

  • Wah, I am so happy to hear that she go to university. I should congratulate her on it.
    (Wah, saya bahagia mendengar bahwa dia diterima di kampus. Saya harus mengucapkan selamat padanya).

  • I must congratulate you on your success.
    (Aku harus mengucapkan selamat atas kesuksesanmu.


3. Congratulated

Congratulated merupakan bentuk lampau dari kata ‘congratulate’. Ucapan ini artinya ‘memberi selamat’ atas moment kebahagiaan seseorang yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu. 

Contoh kalimat ‘congratulated’:

  • Last week, she congratulated me on my theater show.
    (Minggu lalu, dia mengucapkan selamat padaku atas pertunjukan teaterku)

4. Well Done

Secara harfiah, well done artinya ‘baik sekali’. Namun begitu, kamu bisa menggunakan kata ini untuk mengucapkan ‘selamat’. Kata ini dapat kamu ucapkan pada orang-orang terdekatmu.

Contoh kalimat ‘well done’:

  • Well done, you make this event unforgettable!
    (Bagus sekali, kamu membuat acara ini tidak akan terlupakan).


5. You Rock!

Saat melihat atau mendengar kata ini, mungkin kamu sudah bisa menentukan bahwa kata tersebut tidak disarankan penggunaanya dalam situasi formal. Kamu bisa menggunakan you rock pada saat kamu merasa bangga atas keberhasilan teman atau orang terdekatmu.

Contoh kalimat ‘you rock’:

  • You just need one hour to finish this exam? You rock brother!
    (Kamu hanya butuh waktu satu jam untuk menyelesaikan ujian ini? Kamu keren, Sobat).

That’s it! Gimana? Udah tahu arti congratulation dan cara lain buat mengucapkan selamat kan? Ternyata bentuk dari congratulation tidak hanya satu ya, masing-masing bentuknya juga memiliki peran yang berbeda.

Soal 1: Dialog

Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer:

Sarah: "Hi, Dina! I heard you won the science competition. Congratulations!"
Dina: "Thank you, Sarah. I couldn’t have done it without my teacher’s support."
Sarah: "You really deserve it! I hope you can win again next year."
Dina: "I’ll try my best. Thanks for your wish."

  1. What is Sarah doing in this conversation?
    a. Asking for help
    b. Congratulating Dina on her achievement
    c. Complaining about the competition
    d. Giving advice to Dina

  2. What does Sarah wish for Dina?
    a. To continue studying
    b. To join the competition again
    c. To win the next year’s competition
    d. To ask for the teacher’s help

Soal 2: Dialog

Read the following conversation and choose the correct answer:

Rina: "Hey, Andi. I heard you’re going to take your guitar exam next week. Good luck!"
Andi: "Thanks, Rina! I’m a little nervous about it."
Rina: "Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do great. You’ve been practicing a lot."
Andi: "I hope so. Thanks for the encouragement."

  1. What is Rina wishing for Andi?
    a. That Andi will practice more
    b. That Andi will pass his guitar exam
    c. That Andi will stop being nervous
    d. That Andi will take the exam next month

  2. How does Andi feel about his exam?
    a. Excited
    b. Confident
    c. Nervous
    d. Relaxed

Soal 3: Dialog

Read the conversation and answer the questions:

Teacher: "Class, I just received the results of the English exam, and congratulations to Siti for getting the highest score!"
Siti: "Thank you, Sir. I wasn’t expecting it."
Budi: "Wow, Siti! Congratulations! You really worked hard for it."
Siti: "Thank you, Budi. I wish you better luck next time."

  1. What is the teacher congratulating Siti for?
    a. For completing the exam early
    b. For passing the exam
    c. For getting the highest score in the exam
    d. For improving her English skills

  2. What does Siti wish for Budi?
    a. To get better results next time
    b. To study harder
    c. To not worry about the exam
    d. To help her with English

Soal 4: Narasi Lomba Menyanyi

Read the passage and answer the questions:

Last month, our school held a singing competition. Many students participated, and they all performed very well. In the end, my best friend, Tania, won the first prize. She sang beautifully, and everyone cheered for her. After the announcement, I went to congratulate her. I said, "Congratulations, Tania! You were amazing on stage." She smiled and said, "Thank you! I’m so happy. I couldn’t have done it without all the practice and support." I also wished her good luck for her next competition.

  1. What did the writer do after Tania won the competition?
    a. Helped her prepare for the next competition
    b. Wished her a happy birthday
    c. Congratulated her on winning
    d. Sang together with her on stage

  2. What did the writer wish for Tania?
    a. To sing better next time
    b. To be happy with the prize
    c. To win the next competition
    d. To practice more often

Soal 5: Narasi Les Gitar

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions:

A few weeks ago, my brother started taking guitar lessons. He’s been practising every day, and I can see he’s improving a lot. Yesterday, his guitar teacher told him that he would soon be ready for a small performance. When my brother told me this, I said, "Congratulations! You’ve worked so hard, and I’m proud of you." He smiled and thanked me. I wished him good luck for his performance, and I know he’ll do great.

  1. What did the writer congratulate his brother for?
    a. For starting guitar lessons
    b. For being ready for a performance
    c. For improving his guitar skills
    d. For buying a new guitar

  2. What did the writer wish for his brother?
    a. To perform well in the upcoming performance
    b. To take more guitar lessons
    c. To keep practicing more
    d. To enjoy playing the guitar

Soal 6: Melengkapi Kalimat

Complete the sentence with the correct option:

  1. "Congratulations ______ (11) winning the math competition! I knew you could do it."
    a. for
    b. in
    c. at
    d. on

  2. "I wish you ______ (12) in your future projects. Keep up the good work!"
    a. happiness
    b. success
    c. lucky
    d. joy

  3. "Good luck ______ (13) your exam tomorrow! I hope you pass with flying colors."
    a. for
    b. on
    c. in
    d. with

  4. "Congratulations! I ______ (14) you will achieve even more in the future."
    a. hope
    b. wish
    c. want
    d. think

  5. "Best of luck ______ (15) your performance tonight! I know you’ll do great."
    a. for
    b. at
    c. on
    d. with

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