Thinking verbs adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pendapat, keyakinan, atau penilaian pribadi. Verbs ini membantu dalam mengungkapkan apa yang seseorang pikirkan atau rasakan tentang suatu topik. Mereka sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan opini, sikap, atau pandangan terhadap sesuatu.
- Thinking Verb + (That) + Clause
Jenis-Jenis Thinking Verbs dan Contohnya:
- Pengertian: Memiliki keyakinan atau kepercayaan terhadap sesuatu.
- Contoh Kalimat: "I believe that climate change is a serious issue."
- Pengertian: Memiliki pandangan atau pendapat tentang sesuatu.
- Contoh Kalimat: "I think that online education is very effective."
- Pengertian: Menganggap atau memperkirakan sesuatu berdasarkan informasi yang ada.
- Contoh Kalimat: "I suppose that he will arrive on time based on his usual punctuality."
- Pengertian: Merasakan atau memiliki perasaan terhadap suatu situasi atau subjek.
- Contoh Kalimat: "I feel that the new policy will benefit everyone."
- Pengertian: Memikirkan atau mempertimbangkan suatu hal sebagai opsi atau pandangan.
- Contoh Kalimat: "I consider that it’s important to stay informed about current events."
Contoh Narasi:
"Sarah was having a discussion with her friend about the new city regulations. She said, 'I believe that these new regulations will improve the quality of life in the city. However, I think that some people might find them restrictive.' Her friend replied, 'I suppose you’re right, but I feel that the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks. It’s important to consider all aspects before making a final judgment.' Sarah agreed, saying, 'Yes, I feel that it’s essential to analyze the situation thoroughly. Ultimately, I think that these changes could bring positive results for everyone.'"
Contoh Dialog:
John: "What do you think about the new environmental policies?"
Lisa: "I believe they are a step in the right direction. They should help reduce pollution."
John: "I suppose you’re right. However, I feel that they might be difficult to enforce."
Lisa: "Yes, that’s a valid point. But I consider that the long-term benefits could be significant."
John: "I think so too. It’s important to stay optimistic and support these initiatives."
Lisa: "Exactly. If we work together, I believe we can overcome any challenges."
25 Soal Thinking Verbs to Express Opinion
Soal 1-15: Pilihan Ganda
She _______ that the meeting will be postponed until next week.
- a) thinks
- b) believes
I _______ you will enjoy the movie based on your taste in films.
- a) suppose
- b) consider
He _______ that it’s essential to keep learning new skills.
- a) feels
- b) thinks
We _______ the new restaurant will be popular because of its unique menu.
- a) believe
- b) suppose
They _______ the policy changes will benefit everyone in the long run.
- a) feel
- b) consider
She _______ that studying abroad is a valuable experience.
- a) considers
- b) supposes
I _______ that this project will be successful if we work together.
- a) believe
- b) think
He _______ the new software might improve productivity at work.
- a) thinks
- b) feels
We _______ that the new laws will help protect the environment.
- a) suppose
- b) believe
They _______ it’s important to follow the new guidelines.
- a) feel
- b) think
I _______ the test will be challenging but manageable.
- a) suppose
- b) believe
She _______ that attending workshops regularly is beneficial.
- a) considers
- b) feels
We _______ the team will win the championship this year.
- a) believe
- b) think
He _______ that working from home can increase job satisfaction.
- a) feels
- b) supposes
They _______ the new system will streamline our workflow.
- a) think
- b) believe
Soal 16-25: Dialog dan Melengkapi Kalimat
A: "What do you _______ about the new proposal?"
B: "I _______ it could be beneficial for the company."
A: "Do you _______ we should implement these changes immediately?"
B: "I _______ we need more time to evaluate the impact."
A: "I _______ that the new software will improve efficiency."
B: "I agree, but I also _______ there might be some initial issues."
A: "He _______ that the event will be a great success."
B: "I _______ he’s optimistic, but we should prepare for any challenges."
A: "________ you _______ that the project deadline is realistic?"
B: "I _______ it’s tight but achievable with extra effort."
A: "She _______ the new regulations will help reduce waste."
B: "I _______ they might be hard to enforce at first."
A: "I _______ that the restaurant will become popular quickly."
B: "I _______ it will attract many customers due to its unique concept."
A: "They _______ that more research is needed before making a decision."
B: "I _______ they are right to be cautious."
A: "He _______ that the new policy will have positive effects."
B: "I _______ it will take some time to see the results."
A: "I _______ the training program will be helpful for everyone."
B: "I _______ it’s a good initiative for professional development."
Soal 26-30: Terjemahan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris
"Saya percaya bahwa investasi dalam pendidikan sangat penting untuk masa depan."
"Dia merasa bahwa pertemuan ini akan memberikan solusi untuk masalah yang ada."
"Kami menganggap bahwa teknologi baru ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi kerja."
"Mereka berpendapat bahwa perubahan kebijakan ini akan membawa dampak positif."
"Saya kira kita perlu lebih banyak data sebelum membuat keputusan akhir."