Asking and Giving Help

I. Definisi

Asking for Help berarti meminta bantuan kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Giving Help berarti memberikan bantuan kepada seseorang yang memintanya.

II. Formula Asking for Help

Can you ...?

  1. Can you help me with this task?
  2. Can you show me how to use this machine?
Could you ...?
  1. Could you help me carry these books?
  2. Could you lend me a pen?
Would you mind ...?
  1. Would you mind helping me clean the room?
  2. Would you mind explaining the answer again?
Do you think you could ...?
  1. Do you think you could help me with my project?
  2. Do you think you could give me a ride?
I need some help with ...
  1. I need some help with this assignment.
    1. I need some help with organizing the files.

III. Formula Giving Help

  1. Sure, I’d be happy to help.

    • Sure, I’d be happy to help you with your homework.

  2. Of course. What do you need?

    • Of course. What do you need help with?

  3. No problem. I’ll do it.

    • No problem. I’ll carry those books for you.

  4. Let me help you with that.

    • Let me help you with cleaning the house.

  5. I’d love to help.

    • I’d love to help you with your math problem.

IV. Contoh Percakapan

Asking for Help:

Student 1:
Excuse me, could you help me with my math homework? I don’t understand the last question.

Student 2:
Sure, I’d be happy to help. Let’s take a look at it together.

Giving Help:

Do you need any help with your presentation?

Yes, I’m a bit confused about how to organize the slides.

No problem. Let me help you with that.

V. Contoh Dialog

Dialog 1 - Asking for Directions

Excuse me, can you help me? I’m trying to find the library, but I’m lost.

Of course! The library is just around the corner. Turn right at the next intersection, and you’ll see it.

Thank you so much for your help!

You’re welcome!

Dialog 2 - Asking for Help with Homework

Hey, could you help me with this science assignment? I’m having trouble understanding the concept.

Sure! Let me see what you’re working on. Maybe I can explain it differently.

That would be great. Thank you!

No problem. Let’s work on it together.

VI. Tips dalam Asking for Help:

  1. Gunakan kata-kata sopan (Could, Would, Can).

  2. Ucapkan terima kasih setelah mendapatkan bantuan.

VII. Tips dalam Giving Help:

  1. Tawarkan bantuan dengan ramah.

  2. Jelaskan dengan jelas bagaimana cara membantu.

Berikut adalah contoh soal tentang Asking and Giving Help dalam format pilihan ganda, narasi, dan percakapan.

I. Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. Which sentence is an example of asking for help?
    a) "Can you pass me the book?"
    b) "I will help you with your project."
    c) "You should ask someone else for help."
    d) "Thank you for helping me."

  2. What is the correct response to the question: "Could you help me with my homework?"
    a) "No, I don't think so."
    b) "Yes, I’d love to."
    c) "I’m too busy right now."
    d) "Maybe someone else can help you."

  3. Which of the following sentences is NOT a way to ask for help?
    a) "Would you mind helping me with this?"
    b) "Can you do me a favor?"
    c) "Could you help me with my homework?"
    d) "I already know how to do it."

II. Soal Narasi

Bacalah narasi berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawahnya:

Diana sedang kesulitan memahami cara mengerjakan tugas matematika. Dia kemudian meminta bantuan kepada temannya, Rina, yang sudah memahami materi tersebut. Diana berkata, "Rina, bisakah kamu membantuku dengan tugas matematika ini? Aku benar-benar tidak mengerti bagian terakhir." Rina menjawab dengan ramah, "Tentu, aku akan membantu. Bagian mana yang ingin kamu tanyakan?"


  1. Apa yang Diana lakukan untuk meminta bantuan?

  2. Bagaimana respon Rina terhadap permintaan bantuan Diana?

  3. Apa sikap yang ditunjukkan Rina ketika memberikan bantuan?

III. Soal Percakapan

Lengkapilah percakapan berikut dengan cara meminta atau memberi bantuan yang sesuai.

  1. Lisa:
    "______ (1)______ me with my luggage? It's too heavy for me to carry alone."
    "______ (2)______. I’ll carry it for you."

  2. Kevin:
    "______ (3)______ to explain this question again? I didn’t quite get it."
    "______ (4)______, I’ll explain it once more for you."

  3. Anna:
    "______ (5)______ help me prepare for tomorrow's test?"
    "Of course! We can study together later."

Kunci Jawaban:

  1. (1) Can you help
    (2) Sure, no problem

  2. (3) Could you
    (4) No problem

  3. (5) Can you

I. Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. Which sentence is an example of asking for help?
    a) "Can you pass me the book?"
    b) "I will help you with your project."
    c) "You should ask someone else for help."
    d) "Thank you for helping me."

  2. What is the correct response to the question: "Could you help me with my homework?"
    a) "No, I don’t think so."
    b) "Yes, I’d love to."
    c) "I’m too busy right now."
    d) "Maybe someone else can help you."

  3. Which of the following sentences is NOT a way to ask for help?
    a) "Would you mind helping me with this?"
    b) "Can you do me a favor?"
    c) "Could you help me with my homework?"
    d) "I already know how to do it."

II. Narrative Question

Read the following narrative and answer the questions below:

Diana is having trouble understanding how to complete her math homework. She asks her friend, Rina, who has already understood the topic. Diana says, "Rina, could you help me with this math assignment? I really don’t understand the last part." Rina kindly replies, "Of course, I’ll help. Which part do you want to ask about?"


  1. How does Diana ask for help?

  2. How does Rina respond to Diana’s request?

  3. What attitude does Rina show when offering help?

III. Conversation Completion

Complete the following conversations with appropriate asking or giving help phrases.

  1. Lisa:
    "______ (1)______ me with my luggage? It's too heavy for me to carry alone."
    "______ (2)______. I’ll carry it for you."

  2. Kevin:
    "______ (3)______ explain this question again? I didn’t quite get it."
    "______ (4)______, I’ll explain it once more for you."

  3. Anna:
    "______ (5)______ help me prepare for tomorrow's test?"
    "Of course! We can study together later."

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