Report Text



Report Text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum berdasarkan fakta yang ada, biasanya menjelaskan klasifikasi dan deskripsi dari fenomena alam, benda, hewan, tanaman, tempat, atau peristiwa lainnya. Report text bersifat faktual, bertujuan untuk melaporkan hasil observasi dan penelitian.

Ciri-ciri Report Text:

  1. Berisi informasi umum tentang objek atau fenomena tertentu, tanpa opini pribadi.
  2. Faktual dan berdasarkan pengamatan atau studi ilmiah.
  3. Menggunakan bahasa ilmiah yang jelas dan formal.
  4. Tidak bersifat kronologis (tidak seperti recount text), tetapi berdasarkan klasifikasi atau deskripsi umum.
  5. Menggunakan Present Tense karena berbicara tentang fakta atau kebenaran umum.

Struktur Report Text:

  1. General Classification (Klasifikasi Umum):
    Bagian ini memberikan informasi umum tentang subjek yang sedang dibahas. Menjelaskan kategori atau pengelompokan dari subjek.

  2. Description (Deskripsi):
    Bagian ini menjelaskan secara detail mengenai fenomena atau subjek tersebut. Deskripsinya bisa tentang aspek fisik, perilaku, habitat, atau fungsi.

Penggunaan Tenses dalam Report Text:

  • Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyampaikan fakta dan informasi umum.
    • Elephants are large animals.
    • Most flowers bloom in the spring.

Contoh Narasi Report Text:

The Lion (Panthera leo)

General Classification:
The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the big cat species in the family Felidae. It is commonly referred to as the "king of the jungle" due to its majestic appearance and dominant role in its habitat. Lions are typically found in Africa and a few parts of India.

Lions have a muscular build, large heads, and strong legs. Male lions have a prominent mane, which makes them easily distinguishable from females. Lions live in groups called prides, which consist of related females, their offspring, and a small number of adult males. They are carnivores, meaning they primarily eat meat, and hunt in packs to catch large prey like zebras, buffaloes, and antelopes. Lions can run at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour in short bursts when chasing prey. Despite their strong build, lions face threats from poaching and habitat loss.

Contoh Dialog Terkait Report Text:

  • Sarah: "Hey, what are you working on?"
  • John: "I'm writing a report text about penguins."
  • Sarah: "Oh, that's interesting! What have you found out so far?"
  • John: "Well, penguins are birds that can't fly, but they are excellent swimmers. They live mostly in the Southern Hemisphere."
  • Sarah: "I didn’t know that! What about their diet?"
  • John: "Penguins eat small fish and other marine animals like krill."
  • Sarah: "Cool! Are there different species of penguins?"
  • John: "Yes, there are several species, and the Emperor penguin is the largest of them all."

Struktur Kalimat dalam Report Text:

  1. Simple Present Tense:

    • Lions live in Africa.
    • Penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere.
  2. Passive Voice (kadang digunakan untuk menghilangkan subjek):

    • The lion is classified as a big cat.
    • Different types of flowers are grown in various climates.
  3. Descriptive Sentences:

    • Elephants have thick, gray skin and large ears.
    • Most birds build their nests in trees.

15 Soal Latihan Report Text (Melengkapi Kalimat dan Dialog):

1. Elephants ___ (live) in parts of Africa and Asia.
a. lives
b. live
c. living

2. Lions ___ (hunt) in packs to catch their prey.
a. hunts
b. hunted
c. hunt

3. The Great Wall of China ___ (consider) one of the wonders of the world.
a. is considered
b. is consider
c. considered

4. Tigers ___ (be) carnivorous animals that primarily eat meat.
a. is
b. are
c. be

5. Most flowers ___ (bloom) during the spring season.
a. blooms
b. bloom
c. blooming

6. The cheetah is the fastest land animal, ___ (run) at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.
a. run
b. runs
c. running

7. Penguins ___ (can, swim) very fast in the water.
a. can swim
b. can swimming
c. can swims

8. Kangaroos ___ (found) in Australia and nearby islands.
a. is found
b. are found
c. finding

9. Lions ___ (live) in groups called prides.
a. live
b. lives
c. lived

10. Elephants are known for their large ears, which ___ (help) them stay cool.
a. helps
b. help
c. helping

11. Tigers ___ (live) in dense forests and grasslands.
a. living
b. live
c. lives

12. Water ___ (cover) about 70% of the Earth's surface.
a. cover
b. covers
c. covering

13. Whales ___ (be) the largest animals on Earth.
a. are
b. is
c. be

14. Giraffes ___ (have) long necks that help them reach high branches.
a. having
b. has
c. have

15. The Eiffel Tower ___ (located) in Paris, France.
a. is located
b. located
c. is locate

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