Possesive Pronoun


1. Pengertian "Possessive Pronoun"

Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan atau hubungan tanpa perlu menyebutkan kata benda yang dimiliki lagi.

Possessive pronouns mencakup: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its.

2. Kapan Digunakan

Possessive pronoun digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, sehingga tidak perlu menyebutkan kata benda tersebut lagi.

Biasanya digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata benda yang sama dalam sebuah kalimat atau percakapan.

Contoh: "This book is mine." (Buku ini adalah milik saya.)

3. Penggunaan dalam Kalimat

Possessive pronoun menunjukkan kepemilikan atau hubungan tetapi tidak diikuti oleh kata benda.

"That pen is mine." (Pulpen itu milik saya.)

"The car is ours." (Mobil itu milik kami.)

"The decision is theirs." (Keputusan itu milik mereka.)

4. Contoh dalam Dialog

Dialog 1:

A: Is this your laptop?

B: No, it’s mine. The one on the table is yours.

Dialog 2:

A: Whose jacket is this?

B: It’s hers. She left it here yesterday.

Dialog 3:

A: Are those seats ours?

B: No, they’re theirs. Ours are in the front row.

5. Contoh dalam Bacaan

Bacaan 1:

Maria and John each brought a cake to the party. Maria's cake was chocolate, while John's was vanilla. "This one is mine, and that one is his," Maria said, pointing at the cakes on the table.

Bacaan 2:

The team worked hard on their project. While each group had its own approach, in the end, the presentation from our team stood out the most. "The idea is ours," the team leader proudly declared.

Bacaan 3:

Sarah saw a cat sitting by the door and asked her friend, "Is that cat yours?" Her friend replied, "No, it’s not mine. I think it’s theirs. It belongs to the neighbors."

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