

Materi Bahasa Inggris: Conjunctions

Pengertian Conjunction: Conjunctions adalah kata penghubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa, atau klausa dalam sebuah kalimat. Ada beberapa jenis conjunctions, yaitu:

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions
  3. Correlative Conjunctions

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions menghubungkan dua klausa atau elemen yang memiliki kedudukan setara. Ada tujuh kata yang termasuk coordinating conjunctions, yang sering diingat dengan akronim FANBOYS:

  • For
  • And
  • Nor
  • But
  • Or
  • Yet
  • So
Arti dari FANBOYS (Coordinating Conjunctions):

1. For: Karena (menjelaskan alasan atau penyebab).
   - Contoh: I stayed at home, for it was raining.  
     (Saya tetap di rumah, karena hujan.)

2. And: Dan (menggabungkan dua elemen atau ide yang serupa).
   - Contoh: I like pizza and pasta.  
     (Saya suka pizza dan pasta.)

3. Nor: Juga tidak (menyatakan pilihan negatif atau penolakan).
   - Contoh: She didn’t call me, nor did she send a message.  
     (Dia tidak menelepon saya, juga tidak mengirim pesan.)

4. But: Tapi (menyatakan kontras atau perbedaan).
   - Contoh: I wanted to go, but I was too tired.  
     (Saya ingin pergi, tapi saya terlalu lelah.)

5. Or: Atau (menyatakan pilihan alternatif).
   - Contoh: Do you want tea or coffee?  
     (Kamu mau teh atau kopi?)

6. Yet: Namun (menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan atau tidak terduga).
   - Contoh: It was cold, yet she didn’t wear a coat.  
     (Cuacanya dingin, namun dia tidak memakai mantel.)

7. So: Jadi (menyatakan hasil atau konsekuensi).
   - Contoh: It was late, so I went to bed.  
     (Sudah larut, jadi saya pergi tidur.)

Formula Kalimat:

[Independent clause] + [Coordinating conjunction] + [Independent clause]

Dalam formula ini, klausa independen diikuti oleh subordinating conjunction dan klausa dependen.


  • Kalimat: "I went to bed because I was tired."
    (Saya pergi tidur karena saya lelah.)

    • Independent clause: "I went to bed."
    • Subordinating conjunction: "because"
    • Dependent clause: "I was tired."

Contoh Narasi:

"Setelah seharian bekerja, Tono merasa sangat lelah. Akhirnya, dia memutuskan untuk tidur lebih awal."

Contoh Dialog:

Tono: "I went to bed early because I was really tired."
Doni: "That’s a good idea. You needed some rest."

Contoh Narasi Coordinating Conjunctions:

"Siti dan Tina sedang membuat proyek bersama di sekolah. Mereka ingin menggabungkan ide-ide mereka, sehingga mereka menggunakan kata sambung untuk menghubungkan dua gagasan utama."

Contoh Dialog Coordinating Conjunctions:

Siti: "We can either use recycled materials for the project, or we can buy new ones."

Tina: "I prefer using recycled materials, but we need to make sure they are clean and safe."

Siti: "Yes, I agree. Recycled materials are better, so let’s go with that idea."

2. Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions menghubungkan klausa independen dengan klausa dependen (anak kalimat). Contoh subordinating conjunctions antara lain:

  • Because
  • Although
  • Since
  • When
  • If
  • While

Formula Kalimat:

[Independent clause] + [Subordinating conjunction] + [Dependent clause]

[Subordinating conjunction] + [Dependent clause] + [Independent clause]

Contoh Narasi Subordinating Conjunctions:

"Di kelas sejarah, Tono dan Budi sedang mendiskusikan alasan sebuah peradaban kuno runtuh. Tono menjelaskan bahwa salah satu penyebabnya adalah perubahan iklim, dan ia menggunakan conjunction untuk menghubungkan alasannya."

Contoh Dialog Subordinating Conjunctions:

Tono: "The ancient civilization collapsed because the climate changed drastically."

Budi: "Although they tried to adapt, the resources were not enough to sustain their population."

Tono: "Exactly. Since the weather became unpredictable, they faced severe droughts and food shortages."

3. Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions digunakan berpasangan untuk menghubungkan elemen kalimat yang setara. Contoh correlative conjunctions adalah:

  • Either...or
  • Neither...nor
  • Both...and
  • Not only...but also
  • Whether...or

Formula Kalimat:

[Correlative conjunction] + [Subject] + [Verb] + [Correlative conjunction] + [Subject] + [Verb]

Contoh Narasi Correlative Conjunctions:

"Di sebuah pesta sekolah, guru meminta siswa untuk memilih aktivitas. Rina dan Doni harus memutuskan apakah mereka akan ikut dalam lomba atau menjadi penonton, jadi mereka menggunakan correlative conjunctions untuk mengutarakan pilihan mereka."

Contoh Dialog Correlative Conjunctions:

Rina: "We can either join the competition or watch it from the sidelines."

Doni: "I think both the competition and the music performance will be fun."

Rina: "I agree. Whether we participate or not, we’ll still have a great time!"


1. Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS): Menghubungkan dua elemen yang setara.
Contoh: "We can go to the park, or we can stay home."

2. Subordinating Conjunctions: Menghubungkan klausa dependen dengan klausa independen.
Contoh: "I will go outside if it stops raining."

3. Correlative Conjunctions: Menghubungkan dua elemen setara dalam satu kalimat dan selalu berpasangan.
Contoh: "She is not only intelligent, but also kind."

Dengan memahami ketiga jenis conjunctions ini, kamu bisa membuat kalimat yang lebih kompleks dan variatif!

Soal 1: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. I want to buy a new phone, _____ I don't have enough money.
    a) and
    b) but
    c) so
    d) or

Soal 2: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. She is studying hard, _____ she wants to pass the exam.
    a) because
    b) but
    c) for
    d) so

Soal 3: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. We can go to the beach, _____ we can stay home and relax.
    a) but
    b) nor
    c) or
    d) yet

Soal 4: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. The weather was cold, _____ the kids decided to play outside.
    a) so
    b) but
    c) for
    d) yet

Soal 5: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. He didn’t study well, _____ he failed the test.
    a) but
    b) so
    c) yet
    d) or

Soal 6: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. I will go to the party _____ I finish my homework.
    a) if
    b) but
    c) or
    d) for

Soal 7: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. _____ it was raining, we still went to the park.
    a) Because
    b) Although
    c) If
    d) So

Soal 8: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. We can leave the house _____ my parents arrive.
    a) if
    b) when
    c) or
    d) but

Soal 9: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. I woke up early _____ I had a meeting in the morning.
    a) because
    b) so
    c) when
    d) if

Soal 10: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. _____ I was tired, I finished the project on time.
    a) Although
    b) Because
    c) If
    d) So

Soal 11: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. He is _____ tired _____ hungry after the long trip.
    a) both - and
    b) neither - nor
    c) either - or
    d) not only - but also

Soal 12: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. You can _____ eat the cake _____ save it for later.
    a) both - and
    b) neither - nor
    c) either - or
    d) not only - but also

Soal 13: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. _____ the teacher _____ the students knew the answer.
    a) Neither - nor
    b) Both - and
    c) Either - or
    d) Not only - but also

Soal 14: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. She is _____ smart _____ hardworking.
    a) both - and
    b) neither - nor
    c) either - or
    d) not only - but also

Soal 15: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. We will _____ go to the mall _____ stay at home.
    a) either - or
    b) both - and
    c) neither - nor
    d) not only - but also

Soal 16: Dialog - Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. Alex: "Do you want to go to the concert tonight?"
    Jake: "I want to, _____ I have to finish my homework first."
    a) and
    b) so
    c) but
    d) or

Soal 17: Dialog - Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. Teacher: "Why are you late?"
    Student: "_____ my alarm didn’t go off this morning."
    a) Although
    b) Because
    c) So
    d) If

Soal 18: Dialog - Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. Sara: "I’ll call you _____ I arrive at the airport."
    a) when
    b) so
    c) if
    d) but

Soal 19: Dialog - Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. John: "I’m really hungry."
    Mike: "There’s food in the fridge, _____ you can order something."
    a) but
    b) for
    c) so
    d) or

Soal 20: Dialog - Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. Mom: "You can’t watch TV _____ you finish your homework."
    a) when
    b) if
    c) although
    d) because

Soal 21: Correlative Conjunctions

  1. He is _____ tall _____ strong enough to join the basketball team.
    a) both - and
    b) either - or
    c) neither - nor
    d) not only - but also

Soal 22: Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. They stayed at home _____ it was raining heavily outside.
    a) although
    b) because
    c) if
    d) so

Soal 23: Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. I studied hard, _____ I passed the exam with flying colors.
    a) and
    b) so
    c) but
    d) or

Soal 24: Dialog - Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. Lisa: "Shall we go to the movies tonight?"
    Tom: "We could, _____ we also have the option to watch a movie at home."
    a) so
    b) but
    c) yet
    d) or

Soal 25: Dialog - Correlative Conjunctions

  1. Anna: "Do you want coffee or tea?"
    Mia: "I’d like _____ coffee _____ tea. I’m okay with both."
    a) either - or
    b) neither - nor
    c) both - and
    d) not only - but also

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