Tentative Conclusion


Tentative Conclusion adalah kesimpulan sementara yang diambil berdasarkan informasi atau bukti yang ada saat ini, tetapi terbuka untuk direvisi atau disempurnakan lebih lanjut. Biasanya, tentative conclusion digunakan dalam penelitian atau analisis di mana data atau argumen belum sepenuhnya lengkap, sehingga kesimpulan yang diambil masih bersifat sementara atau tentatif, dan kemungkinan akan berubah jika ada informasi tambahan.

Struktur Tentative Conclusion

Tentative Conclusion biasanya mengikuti struktur sebagai berikut:

  1. Statement of Findings: Menyatakan temuan sementara berdasarkan bukti atau data yang ada.
  2. Acknowledgment of Limitations: Mengakui keterbatasan dari bukti atau informasi yang ada.
  3. Suggestions for Further Research: Memberikan saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut atau penambahan informasi untuk memperkuat kesimpulan.
  4. Conditional Language: Menggunakan bahasa bersyarat, seperti "perhaps", "it seems", "it is likely", untuk menunjukkan bahwa kesimpulan belum pasti.

Dalam tentative text, kata-kata yang biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketidakpastian, dugaan, atau kesimpulan sementara adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan bahwa pernyataan atau kesimpulan masih bisa berubah. Beberapa jenis kata dan frasa yang sering digunakan dalam tentative text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Modal Verbs (Kata Kerja Modal)

Modal verbs digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan atau ketidakpastian.

  • might
  • may
  • could
  • would
  • can
  • should


  • "This might be a solution to the problem."
  • "The results could indicate a possible trend."

2. Adverbs (Kata Keterangan)

Kata keterangan ini digunakan untuk memperhalus pernyataan atau menunjukkan ketidakpastian.

  • possibly
  • probably
  • likely
  • seemingly
  • apparently
  • perhaps


  • "It is possibly the best option available."
  • "The data likely suggests a correlation."

3. Phrases Indicating Uncertainty

Frasa ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kesimpulan masih terbuka untuk dipertanyakan atau disempurnakan.

  • It seems that...
  • It appears that...
  • There is a chance that...
  • It is possible that...
  • It could be the case that...
  • The evidence suggests that...
  • This may indicate that...


  • "It seems that there is a connection between the two variables."
  • "There is a chance that further research will change the outcome."

4. Conditional Language (Bahasa Bersyarat)

Kata-kata atau frasa ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kesimpulan tergantung pada kondisi tertentu.

  • If
  • Assuming that
  • Provided that
  • In case


  • "If the data holds, we may be able to confirm the hypothesis."
  • "Assuming that no other factors are involved, the results might be valid."

5. Words that Indicate Possibility

Kata-kata ini menunjukkan bahwa kesimpulan atau pernyataan tersebut belum final dan masih perlu diverifikasi.

  • potential
  • hypothetical
  • tentative
  • preliminary
  • provisional
  • inconclusive


  • "The findings are still tentative and require further investigation."
  • "This is a provisional conclusion based on initial data."

6. Expressions Indicating Need for Further Research

Frasa ini menunjukkan bahwa penelitian atau bukti lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk memperkuat kesimpulan.

  • Further research is needed to...
  • More data is required to confirm...
  • Pending further analysis...
  • This warrants additional investigation...


  • "Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship."
  • "Pending further analysis, we cannot draw a definitive conclusion."

7. Hedging Language (Bahasa Pengaman)

Bahasa ini digunakan untuk melindungi penulis dari membuat klaim absolut yang bisa salah.

  • To some extent
  • In part
  • In general
  • On the whole
  • As far as we know


  • "The solution appears to work, to some extent."
  • "As far as we know, the theory holds."

Contoh Tentative Conclusion

"Based on the current data, it appears that there is a correlation between high sugar consumption and obesity. However, more extensive studies are needed to confirm this relationship conclusively. Therefore, while it is likely that reducing sugar intake may lower obesity rates, further research is required to validate this hypothesis."

Contoh Narasi dalam Bentuk Present Tense

I often visit the local library to study. The atmosphere is quiet, and the smell of old books fills the air. There are large windows that let in natural light, making it easy to read for long hours. I usually sit by the corner, where there’s a large wooden table. People come and go, some searching for books while others concentrate on their work. I enjoy the peaceful environment, and it helps me focus on my assignments.

Contoh Descriptive Text Berbentuk Dialog dalam Past Tense


A: "Did you go to the museum last weekend?"
B: "Yes, I did. It was fascinating! The exhibits were incredible. They had a section on ancient civilizations."
A: "That sounds interesting. What was your favorite part?"
B: "I really enjoyed the dinosaur skeletons. They were so big, and the information about their history was very detailed."
A: "Did you take any pictures?"
B: "Unfortunately, I couldn’t. But I took notes and sketches."
A: "That’s great. Museums are always so educational."
B: "Definitely. I learned a lot."

25 Soal Latihan

15 Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. What does "tentative conclusion" mean? a. A final conclusion
    b. A temporary or preliminary conclusion
    c. A proven fact
    d. A hypothesis

  2. What is a characteristic of a tentative conclusion? a. It is permanent.
    b. It is speculative and open to revision.
    c. It cannot be changed.
    d. It is based on feelings.

  3. In a tentative conclusion, what is often acknowledged? a. The writer's emotions
    b. The limitations of the data
    c. A firm decision
    d. Historical facts

  4. What word might be used in a tentative conclusion? a. Definitely
    b. It is likely
    c. Absolutely
    d. Never

  5. Which of these is NOT a feature of a tentative conclusion? a. Certainty
    b. Conditional language
    c. Acknowledgment of gaps
    d. Preliminary findings

  6. What is a synonym for "tentative"? a. Definite
    b. Uncertain
    c. Clear
    d. Final

  7. Which of these sentences is an example of a tentative conclusion? a. "The results prove that the theory is correct."
    b. "It seems that there may be a connection between diet and health."
    c. "The data shows a 100% accuracy."
    d. "The conclusion is undeniable."

  8. Which is the correct structure for a tentative conclusion? a. Introduction, details, conclusion
    b. Findings, acknowledgment of limitations, suggestions for future research
    c. Summary, evidence, finality
    d. Argument, evidence, fixed conclusion

  9. Which of the following could signal a tentative conclusion? a. "This definitely happens because of..."
    b. "It appears that this may be related to..."
    c. "This cannot be disputed."
    d. "This result is 100% certain."

  10. A tentative conclusion is likely to include... a. Absolute certainty
    b. Suggestions for further study
    c. A denial of previous research
    d. A fixed opinion

  11. In which field are tentative conclusions most common? a. Science
    b. Law
    c. Cooking
    d. Mathematics

  12. Which phrase might be found in a tentative conclusion? a. "It is likely that..."
    b. "There is no doubt that..."
    c. "This proves that..."
    d. "It must be true that..."

  13. What does it mean when a conclusion is described as "tentative"? a. It is firm and final.
    b. It is based on assumptions.
    c. It is subject to change.
    d. It is fully supported by all evidence.

  14. Why might a tentative conclusion be useful? a. It forces the reader to agree.
    b. It leaves room for future developments.
    c. It eliminates the need for further research.
    d. It finalizes the findings.

  15. In a tentative conclusion, the author is likely to... a. Present findings without questioning them.
    b. Leave the argument open for further exploration.
    c. Offer a definitive answer to a problem.
    d. Close the discussion completely.

5 Soal Melengkapi Kalimat atau Dialog

  1. Based on the current data, it __________ that there might be a connection between stress and heart disease. (a. suggests, b. proves, c. denies, d. guarantees)

  2. Although the initial results are promising, further studies __________ to confirm the findings. (a. are unnecessary, b. might be needed, c. should stop, d. can ignore)

  3. The tentative conclusion we have reached __________ the possibility of further research in this area. (a. closes, b. ignores, c. acknowledges, d. denies)

  4. In the dialogue, speaker B says the exhibit was __________, but acknowledges more information is needed. (a. proven, b. fascinating, c. incomplete, d. final)

  5. The researcher __________ that the findings could change after further investigation. (a. proves, b. denies, c. acknowledges, d. concludes)

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