Direct and Indirect Sentence


1. Pengertian

  • Direct Sentence: Kalimat yang mengutip langsung perkataan seseorang. Biasanya ditandai dengan tanda kutip (" ").
    Contoh: She said, "I am happy."
  • Indirect Sentence: Kalimat yang melaporkan atau menyampaikan kembali ucapan seseorang tanpa menggunakan tanda kutip langsung.
    Contoh: She said that she was happy.

2. Perubahan Penting dalam Indirect Sentence
Ketika mengubah kalimat dari direct ke indirect, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan:

  1. Perubahan Kata Ganti (Pronoun):

    • I → he/she
    • We → they
    • My → his/her
    • dll.
  2. Perubahan Waktu (Tenses):

    • Present → Past
      Contoh: "I eat" → He said that he ate.
    • Past → Past Perfect
      Contoh: "I went" → He said that he had gone.
    • Present Perfect → Past Perfect
      Contoh: "I have seen" → He said that he had seen.
  3. Perubahan Kata Keterangan Waktu/Tempat:

    • Now → then
    • Today → that day
    • Yesterday → the day before
    • Tomorrow → the next day
    • Here → there
  4. Penggunaan "That":
    Dalam indirect speech, that digunakan untuk menghubungkan kalimat (tidak wajib dalam percakapan informal).

3. Rumus Umum

Direct SentenceIndirect Sentence
Subject + say/says + "..."Subject + say/says + that + clause
Subject + said + "..."Subject + said + that + clause

Untuk kalimat pertanyaan:

Direct SentenceIndirect Sentence
"Yes/No Question"if/whether + subject + verb
"Wh- Question"question word + subject + verb

4. Contoh Dialog

Dialog 1
Direct Sentence
Lisa: "I will visit my grandmother tomorrow."
John: "What did she say?"

Indirect Sentence
Lisa said that she would visit her grandmother the next day.

Dialog 2
Direct Sentence
Teacher: "Have you done your homework?"
Student: "Yes, I have."

Indirect Sentence
The teacher asked if the student had done their homework.

5. Latihan Soal
Ubah kalimat-kalimat berikut dari direct menjadi indirect sentence!

  1. She said, "I am tired."
  2. He said, "I will call you tomorrow."
  3. They asked, "Where are you going?"
  4. "Do you like coffee?" he asked me.
  5. The teacher said, "You must submit the assignment by Friday."
  6. He said, "I didn’t see her at the party."
  7. My mother said, "Clean your room now!"
  8. "Who will attend the meeting?" they asked.
  9. She asked, "Can you help me with this project?"
  10. The boy said, "I am playing football here."

Jawaban dapat diperiksa bersama di kelas! 😊

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