Hi! Have you ever throw a party? Do you know that the first thing that you need to do is making an Invitation? What kind of Invitation do you make? Lets learn about it!
Invitation adalah sebuah ajakan atau undangan untuk menghadiri suatu pesta. Undangan ini bisa disampaikan secara tertulis (seperti kartu undangan) atau secara lisan. Party Invitation biasanya berisi informasi seperti acara, waktu, tempat, dan tujuan dari pesta yang akan diadakan.
Invitation ada 2, yaitu Formal dan Informal
1. Formal Invitation
A formal invitation is a type of invitation that is used for official, professional, or significant events. These invitations follow a specific format, use formal language, and are often sent in writing (like cards or letters). Formal invitations are typically used for events like weddings, corporate events, graduations, or official ceremonies.
Characteristics of Formal Invitation:
- Language: Polite, respectful, and professional.
- Tone: Formal, structured, and impersonal.
- Details: Provides complete information (event, date, time, place, dress code if necessary).
- Format: Clear and structured layout (sometimes with RSVP details).
- Examples of Events: Weddings, award ceremonies, business meetings, graduations.
Example of Formal Invitation:
Wedding Invitation
Mr. and Mrs. Smith cordially invite you to the wedding of their daughter
Anna Smith
Mr. John Doe
Saturday, the fifth of October, at two o'clock in the afternoon
The Grand Hall, New York.Kindly RSVP by September 25th.
Formal attire requested.
2. Informal Invitation
An informal invitation is a casual way to invite someone to an event. It’s used for informal gatherings or parties among friends, family, or people you know well. The language is friendly and relaxed, and there are no strict rules regarding format. It can be delivered through a variety of methods: spoken, written, or even electronically via text or social media.
Characteristics of Informal Invitation:
- Language: Casual, friendly, and relaxed.
- Tone: Personal and warm.
- Details: Includes necessary information (event, time, place) but may not be as detailed as a formal invitation.
- Format: Flexible, often conversational.
- Examples of Events: Birthday parties, casual get-togethers, family reunions, BBQs, or movie nights.
Example of Informal Invitation:
Birthday Invitation
Hey Sarah!
I’m throwing a little party for my birthday next Saturday at my house.
It’ll start around 7 PM, and we’ll have pizza, games, and music.
I’d love for you to come and join the fun! Let me know if you can make it!
See you there!
Key Differences Between Formal and Informal Invitations:
Both types of invitations serve the same purpose—inviting someone to an event—but the approach, tone, and style differ depending on the formality of the occasion.
Ciri-Ciri Party Invitation:
- Mengundang seseorang untuk menghadiri acara.
- Formal atau informal: Tergantung pada jenis pesta (ulang tahun, pernikahan, atau pesta biasa).
- Informasi penting: Termasuk waktu, tempat, dan tujuan acara.
- Menggunakan bahasa yang sopan: Meskipun informal, undangan pesta tetap memerlukan bahasa yang ramah dan sopan.
- Kata kunci: Menggunakan frasa seperti please join us, you are invited, atau we would love to have you.
Struktur Kalimat dalam Party Invitation:
Opening (Pembukaan):
- Kalimat pembuka yang mengundang seseorang untuk menghadiri acara.
- Contoh: You are cordially invited to my birthday party.
Details (Rincian Acara):
- Informasi tentang kapan, di mana, dan pukul berapa acara tersebut berlangsung.
- Contoh: The party will be held on Saturday, September 20th at 7 p.m. at my house.
Closing (Penutup):
- Harapan agar undangan dapat hadir, dan ucapan terima kasih.
- Contoh: We hope to see you there! Please RSVP by September 15th.
Contoh Narasi Party Invitation:
Anna’s Birthday Party Invitation
Next Saturday, I am going to have a birthday party at my house. I’ve invited all my friends, and I hope everyone can come. The party will start at 6 p.m., and we will have a lot of fun activities like games, music, and, of course, delicious food. I sent the invitations a week ago, and I’ve already received some RSVPs. I’m really looking forward to celebrating with everyone!
Contoh Dialog Party Invitation:
Siti mengundang Budi untuk datang ke pesta ulang tahunnya.
- Siti: Hi Budi, I’d like to invite you to my birthday party this Saturday.
- Budi: Oh, that sounds fun! Where will it be held?
- Siti: It will be at my house. The party starts at 7 p.m.
- Budi: Great! I’d love to come. Is there anything I should bring?
- Siti: No, just yourself! We’ll have everything ready. I hope you can make it.
- Budi: I’ll definitely be there. Thanks for the invitation!
- Siti: You’re welcome! See you on Saturday.
Ciri-Ciri Kalimat dalam Party Invitation:
- Mengandung frasa undangan: Menggunakan frasa seperti I’d like to invite you, please come to, atau join us.
- Informasi lengkap tentang acara: Waktu, tempat, dan kegiatan di pesta.
- Harapan agar undangan hadir: Misalnya I hope you can make it atau We would love to see you there.
- Bahasa yang sopan dan ramah: Karena bertujuan untuk membuat orang merasa senang datang ke acara tersebut.
15 Soal Melengkapi Kalimat dan Dialog Party Invitation:
Complete the sentence:
- I’d like to ______ you to my graduation party next Friday.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: Are you free this Saturday?
- B: Yes, why?
- A: I’m having a party, and I’d love for you to ______.
Complete the sentence:
- The party will be held ______ my house on Saturday, October 10th.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: Where will the party be held?
- B: ______ will be at the community center at 6 p.m.
Complete the sentence:
- We hope you can ______ us for a fun evening at my birthday celebration.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: What time does the party start?
- B: It ______ at 8 p.m.
Complete the sentence:
- Please RSVP by September 5th if you ______ able to attend.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: Can I bring anything to the party?
- B: No, just ______! We’ll provide everything.
Complete the sentence:
- You are ______ invited to our annual Christmas party next Friday.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: Thank you for the invitation!
- B: You’re welcome! I hope you ______ make it.
Complete the sentence:
- The party ______ be full of fun activities like games, music, and dancing.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: I received your invitation. Thank you!
- B: Great! I ______ forward to seeing you there.
Complete the sentence:
- We would be honored if you could ______ our wedding reception next month.
Complete the dialogue:
- A: When is the event?
- B: ______ next Saturday at 5 p.m.
Complete the sentence:
- Don't forget to ______ us for an unforgettable evening of fun and celebration!